About Safe Haven – A Ray of Hope

Safe Haven A Ray of Hope is a charitable organization

We have a board of three non-executive directors, managed by two Executive Director.


  • To financially support underprivileged children/ children with disability and their families.
  • Create and publicize advocacy programmes to meet specific needs of underprivileged children and children living with disability.
  • Organize and facilitate social and educational activities/programs for underprivileged children and children living with disability.
  • To provide psychological support for children underprivileged and children living with disability.


To remain a committed and proactive children’s organization whose advocacy is focused on supporting the underprivileged and children with disability.

Safe Haven a Ray of Hope was inspired by our three children with two diagnosed with a rare condition called CGD.

The name a ‘place like home’ was chosen by Valerie and Kayla but unfortunately was already taken and we unanimously agreed on a new name, Safe Haven a Ray of Hope. Valerie passed on in April of 2020 and could no longer be physical to ply on the vision of an organization she was a key part to its start. Safe Haven a Ray of Hope has been more determined than ever to carve its niche for children that are long term ill and underprivileged.

The organization has made its impact with Blessing and the team playing a key role during the peak of the Covid 19 pandemic: offering psychological help to children and helping with the distribution of supplies. Accommodation support was also rendered to children and their parents in desperate need.